Friday, May 23, 2014

Byron Bay black and white..... Jimmy


A couple of months ago I was walking around Byron Bay with a lens from 1977 attached to a camera from 1975.  Loaded with Kodak BW400CN film.

There is always music happening in this town.


As in, you can always hear it - unless you are deaf, of course.

With my wife I walked into a shop and there sat Jimmy, playing a black Stratocaster that usually hangs on the back wall of the store.

A couple of quick shots and we were gone.

His smile followed us through the door.

Great music, great vibe.

Stay safe

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Jester.....


Yesterday as I was walking around Byron Bay, I noticed this chap riding his unicycle in the car park near the beach. Picking the position with the least distracting background (hard to believe) I waited until he rode into position. 

Just another average day in Byron Bay.

Stay safe.